Sunday, August 1, 2010

Summer update!

Could God have given us two more precious boys? I think not! I look at them everyday and am so amazed by how gracious God was to give us Kamden Hailekiros and Kaiden Abadi. I am not quite sure why He graced us with them but we could not be more thankful and more humbled.
We fall more in love with them everyday. At times it is still very surreal to Kevin and me, that they are our sons. We think of their birth father often and the sacrifice he had to make to let them go from his family and into ours. My heart breaks to think of the loss of his dear wife and precious sons at the same time. I remember him pressing his cheek into mine as we left from meeting him. We hope that our sweet boys will come to love him for the huge love he had for them and the amount of love it took for him to give them up so they could be adopted.
They are the sweetest little boys in the entire world! I just don't even know where to start to describe them. A few weeks ago they started to say "da da" and we can't describe that joy that it brings to our hearts! To hear those words after dreaming of our sons is beyond imaginable. Kamden has just recently started to say "ma ma" and it is the most precious sound I have ever heard. They are 9 months now and we try to soak up every moment with them. Let me share some of our favorite things about our little men..
Kaiden loves skin on skin contact and will crawl over to you and lay his head and suck his thumb on your leg. Kamden gets so excited at times that we think he is going to explode- he holds his breathe and sticks his arms and legs out straight and twirls his feet and wrists in a circle. Kaiden and Kamden love to play with each other already and put their foreheads together and start laughing. Kamden loves to sit with his dad and watch golf and Kaiden loves to chase the dog in his walker. There are so many amazing things about them that it is hard to capture them all with words.
The pictures above are a gift from our amazing leaders! We hope they show what a miracle adoption truly is!!!!!


  1. You guys truly are blessed! They are too cute for words

  2. Wow, Katie! Heather passed your blog onto me, and all I can say is WOW! You look radiant as a momma! So good to 'see' you doing so well. I've missed that smile of yours!

  3. KATIE!!! these pics are too wonderful. my cheeks hurt from smiling and my eyes are tired from squinting at the screen. what a joy to read about their little personalities. i hope to chat soon! hb

  4. I love the update!!!! I want to come by and see you guys again! I can't believe how big they've gotten! Praying for you guys!!!!

  5. Hi! Kay Carlyle told me about your blog and said that we were at Baylor at the same time. Anyway, my husband and I adopted two boys from ET in August. Congratulations on your beautiful twins! Love from TX!
