Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Off to the airport!

We have officially gone into labor! We are packed and getting ready to head to the airport! After a 3 hour wait in the Cincinnati airport, we will begin our 22 hour flight to our little boys in Addis Ababa! What a morning! Packing suitcases, becoming an aunt and uncle all at the same time! Go Kristy and Jeff!! What a way to start a trip!


  1. We're praying for you guys. Take lots of pictures for us!

  2. We love you guys. Can't wait to meet the boys!

  3. We are praying for you guys. We love you and can't wait to hear all about the family coming together.

  4. I CANNOT WAIT to SPOIL these boys rotten!!!! I cant tell you how much my heart is bursting for joy for you guys! I love you!!

  5. Yippee!!!! It's about time!!! I am so happy for you both!
