Sunday, March 28, 2010

Safely Home

We are now safely home! We have actually been home a couple of days but have been just exhausted and to tired to write. Our little men have adjusted way better than we have! The 36 hour travel time was rough but the twins were troopers. They slept in little bassinets on the plane and made the entire 16 hour flight from Ethiopia to DC with only a few little cries. We realized while in Ethiopia what a treasure those around us back home truly are. We have never missed our family and friends so much! I cried when I saw my mom for the first time and realized what a sacrifice our own parents have made for us as we grew up. We love you Joan, Gina and Tom!!!
We had to take our sweet Haile to Children's Hospital the first night home because he was weezing really bad. As always, he was amazing. They suctioned his nose and cleared out a lot of his congestion. He cried during it but then as soon as I picked him up he stuck his thumb in his mouth and smiled at me. He really could not be more of an angel. They did a little chest x-ray but he was all clear.
It is so nice to be home and have activities for them to do. They absolutely love books! They love their little play yard and have fun playing in it together. They are starting to babble at each other and smile back and forth. I think they will be best friends! Kaiden Abadi loves to roll over and hug Kamden Haile. Kamden will just stare at his brother and smile.
They had their first doctor's appointment this week and passed with flying colors. Our doctor is a family friend and she was amazing with them! They may need a little physical therapy and Aunt Shannon can help them with that. We are taking them to Children's Hospital's International Adoption department next week to get a head to toe work up.
They are sleeping great at night. As I write, they are still sleeping at 8:00am. We put them down at 9:00pm! I know we are the luckiest parents ever! Naps are a little rougher but I think we are all figuring out our schedules.
I think for Kevin and myself our happiest moment is when they listen for our voices and follow us with their eyes. After months of praying for God to bless us with attachment to each other, it is happening before our eyes. I have always dreamed of the moment that my little ones would see me as their mom and Kevin as their daddy. God has been so good to us and I just pray that it will be an encouragement to others that seasons of hard times do not always last, that He will never give you more than you can bear through him, and that He will redeem all the pain you have ever had and bless you a 1000 times over! Praise be to Him!
Here are some pictures of our little ones safely at home. Thank you to everyone for praying them home! Thank you, Heather, for giving me the vision that they would one day be Safely Home. We can't thank you all enough for all of your love and support. Here are the twins!


  1. Welcome home! The boys are so timy and cute! All sounds great!

  2. Congratulations!! They are beautiful! We want to adopt from Ethiopia and we are in the Cincinnati area. I would love to ask you some questions (if that's ok) my email address is annieglan (at)

  3. Hi Katie! It's probably been almost 10 years since I've seen you. I found your blog thru Shelley. I'm so glad to hear your adoption went smoothly. Your boys are amazing!

  4. thanks for the great update!! i love these boys so much. from 1 Chronicles...YOURS O Lord is the greatness, and the power, and the glory, and the majesty, and the splendor...
    your family is a picture of God's goodness and we rejoice with you! love you all, hb

  5. I love your babies!!!!! Thank you for letting me come over today! I had a blast!!!!

  6. I swear everytime I look at these pictures my heart melts. Kaiden and Kamden are SOOO Cute!!!! They are definitely going to be little heart breakers when they get older!!! AHHH I Love THEM!!!

  7. so excited for you guys! God is good!

  8. I've loved reading your updates about your little boys. I passed your blog info onto another friend who knows someone in the process of adopting from Ethopia. Celebrating God's faithfulness and goodness with you!!

  9. Hey Katie,
    Just to let you know that Laura filled us in with your good news at the recent AHEC meeting. As a mom of twins myself, call if you need advice or just want to brag :)
    Hope all continues to go well.
